Free-for-all arena against bots.

  • WASD to Move.
  • LMouse to Attack. (Hold to Auto)
  • RMouse to Lock the Nearest Target.
  • Space to open/close the Loot Screen, while the loot prompt is on-screen.

Some interesting mechanics to explore while playing:

  1. No one's good at dealing with threats that stay on their non-dominant side.
  2. Most weapons swing slow enough that you can step inside and outside their range quickly if you understand the timing.
  3. Ranged combat has a natural advantage but melee deals a lot of damage.
  4. Dealing the killing blow to someone gives you back half your current health, so drawn out battles may result in a killsteal or a tiny heal, but aggressive rushes pay out.
  5. Projectiles destroy each other so can protect you from other ranged units.

Bug Report:

  • If you see a Wooden Buckler in the equipment screens while the character holds none, thats a bug with the equipment indexer. Assume its not there, as will the stats calculation.

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